
Showing posts from February, 2023

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 农历十五“元宵节/Chap Goh Mei"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 ~祝大家新年快乐,恭喜发财~ 哈哈哈~今天是元宵节,同时也是农历正月十五也是农历新年的尾声了。话说闹元宵是如何的闹呢?让我一一的为你们解释吧~ ~Happy New Year everyone, Gong Xi Fa Cai~ Hahaha~ Today is the Chap God Mei Festival, which is also the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and the end of the Chinese New Year. By the way, what is the trouble with the Chap Goh Mei Festival? Let me explain to you one by one ~          元宵节抛柑来源是由峇峇娘惹祖籍福建的未婚娘惹们开始“抛好柑,嫁好鞥”。如今已演变成单身男女的情人节,他们会把自己的电话号码写在柑上然后就抛出 去~ ~ The origin of throwing Gam during the Chap Goh Mei Festival is that unmarried Nyonya who are originally from Fujian, Baba and Nyonya, began to "throw good gam and marry well". Now it has become a Valentine's Day for single men and women, they will write their phone numbers on oranges and throw them out~ ~           同时也希望捞到一段好姻缘~ 除了抛柑之外,还有花灯观赏和猜灯谜。除了华人的抛柑仪式,在峇峇娘惹Chap Goh Mei也是年轻的娘惹们可是走出家里门槛到海边或河边去抛柑。在17和18世纪,娘惹们是一年里365天都不可以踏出大门一步。因为娘惹要打理家务和烹饪,所以娘惹们的青春都献给了家务和烹饪~ 到了...