
如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 八月十五"中秋节"

  大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化 ,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹家里的"八月十五"中秋节 "。 Haha~ Sorry for the late introduction to exploring Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous ones. What is the difference? This episode will introduce you to the "August 15th" Mid-Autumn Festival in the Baba Nyonya culture. 据说农历八月十五是华人的中秋节,也是祭拜嫦娥娘娘,古人说祭拜嫦娥娘娘家里的女儿会长得漂亮,同时也是家人聚会的好日子。所谓家好月圆四个字的意义是代表了家人们要团团圆圆,家人回到老家聚会晚餐和聊聊大家的近况。同时也是要问问老人家的好。 It is said that the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, and it is also the day to worship the goddess Chang'e. The ancients said that if the daughter of the family worshipped the goddess Chang'e, she would grow up beautiful. It is also a good day for family gatherings. The meaning of the four words "家好月圆" (home is good and the moon is full) is that the family should be reunited, and the family members should return to their hometown to have dinner and

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇 "白底盖碗"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化 ,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹家里的"白底盖碗 "。 Haha~ How can you explore Nyonya culture? This episode is different from previous episodes. What’s the difference? It is in this episode that we will learn about the "white-base lid bowl" in the Baba Nyonya family. 峇峇娘惹盖碗,是种容易打破盖的陶瓷。所以 在市场上会少至之少,如果可以获得是很不容易的盖碗陶瓷。盖碗的陶瓷是拿来保持菜肴的热度。当我在 仓库里打扫时无意中 找到盖碗才 得知爸爸说这是婆婆留下来的,婆婆去世后就一直放在仓库里这次给你找出来了。爸爸就有告诉我说:以前小时有常看到这种盘碗摆在餐桌上,后来至到婆婆眼睛不好了,就没什么用了所以才收在仓库里。 Baba and Nyonyaware lids are easy to break. Therefore, there will be very less on the market nowaday, and it is very difficult to obtain them. The ceramic tureen is used to keep the food hot. i found the nyonya lid bowl when cleanning the store, then get know from my father said it was left by my grandmom. It has been kept in the store quite sometime after my grandmom passed away. My father told me: I used to see this kind of dishes on the dining table when I was a child. Later, wh

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇的 "小汤匙托 Small Spoons Rest"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏      如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹长桌宴上的"小 汤匙托 = Small  Spoons Rest"的秘密" Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where we will learn about the secret of "Small Spoons Rest" in the Baba Nyonya Tok Panjang. 据说 峇峇娘惹的长桌宴上共有120件大大小小的陶瓷用品,所以这 集的陶瓷也算是长桌宴上的其中一个用品。虽然它不是很大件的用品,可是也算是有用途的餐具。这就是Small Spoons Rest,  什么是Small Spoons Rest ? 这是小汤匙托。 小汤匙托的用途是要垫在小汤匙的下,就不让汤匙动到桌面。整体看起来比较体面比较整齐摆放在长桌宴上。 It is said that there are 120 large and small ceramic items for the Tok Panjang of the Baba Nyonya event/fastival, so the ceramics in this episode can be regarded as one of the items in the Tok Panjang. Although it is not a very large item, but it can still be regarded as a useful tableware. This is Small Spoons Rest, what is Small Spoons Rest? This is a small spoon rest. The purpose of the small spoon

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - “娘惹Sambal Udang Petai”

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 这是我跟我妈妈学做的“Sambal Udang Petai” 希望你们会喜欢~ This is the "Sambal Udang Petai" I learned from my mother, I hope you will like it~ 话说"Sambal Udang Petai " 是每户峇峇娘惹家庭,都必要有的菜肴之一。为什么这样说呢 ?这是因为每年过年过节家里长桌上都会有Asam Udang, 可是同时也会有Sambal Udang Petai这道菜肴。所以在峇峇娘惹家庭里,每位娘惹都会烹饪这道菜肴“Sambal Udang Petai". 在我的记忆里阿嫲有煮过Sambal Udang Petai, 味道可说是酸辣。自从阿嫲去世了,就没有几乎吃到阿嫲的Sambal Udang Petai。可是妈妈煮的Sambal Udang Petai. 味道还不错可以跟阿嫲的有得比也很 接近阿嫲的古早味。 It is said that "Sambal Udang Petai" is one of the must-have delicacies for every Nyonya family. Why do say this way? This is because every New Year's Eve, the Peranakan family will have Asam Udang, and at the same time there will have Sambal Udang Petai, so in the Baba Nyonya family, the Nyonya sure will know how to cook "Sambal Udang Petai". In my memory, my grandma once cooked Sambal Udang Petai, which tasted sour and spicy. Since my grandma passed away, I'm hardly eaten waste like gra

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - "粉色娘惹陶瓷"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会大家了解峇峇娘惹粉色陶瓷的秘密"  Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where everyone will learn the secret of Baba Nyonya pink ceramics" 为了增加 峇峇娘惹陶瓷,到处寻找我在心中的粉色娘惹瓷。最终给我找到了2个小杯子和一个小盘,同时粉色可以说是蛮难得的娘惹瓷,因为黄色瓷接下来就是粉色瓷。黄色瓷一定会加粉色边这是粉色瓷一定也会加黄色边。这就是为什么黄色瓷后是粉色瓷的原因。 To added more Baba Nyonya porcelain, I looked everywhere for the pink Nyonya porcelain. Finally, I found 2 small cups and a small plate. At the same time, the pink color can be said to be quite rare Nyonya porcelain, this is because Yellow porcelain will definitely have a pink edge. Pink porcelain will also have a yellow edge. This is why yellow porcelain is followed by pink porcelain. 粉色瓷也是峇峇们都特地的回到中国江西里的景德镇找了位师傅为峇峇家族打造自己喜欢的陶瓷。峇峇们的要求的陶瓷都是手工制造,所以粉色瓷也不例外。这些瓷都是员工们一手一手的画上去和烧出来的陶瓷。 同时峇峇们都很喜欢颜色 创辉,也要 有蝴蝶或凤凰,和牡丹花,在峇峇娘惹文化里凤凰是代表了和祥,牡丹代

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - "粉色内外娘惹陶瓷"

  大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会大家了解峇峇娘惹内外粉色陶瓷的秘密" Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where everyone can learn about the secrets of in and out pink ceramics of the Baba Nyonya." 为什么会是 峇峇娘惹内外粉色陶瓷的秘密 ?正所谓的内外就是陶瓷里外都有上彩了更多的颜色和图案, 同时内外粉色陶瓷也是很稀有 ~ 这些内外陶瓷都是来自富有的 峇峇家族拥有。 峇峇们都特地的回到中国江西里的景德镇找了位师傅为峇峇家族打造自己的陶瓷。峇峇们的要求的陶瓷都是手工制造,员工们是一手一手的画上去和烧出来细腻的陶瓷。 同时峇峇们都很喜欢颜色 创辉,也要 有蝴蝶或凤凰,和牡丹花,在峇峇娘惹文化里凤凰是代表了和祥,牡丹代表富贵。峇峇娘惹们都很注重好意头。同时内外粉色陶瓷都是由四季花为主.  Why is it the secret of the in and out pink ceramics of the Baba Nyonya? The so-called in and out means that the inside and outside of the ceramics are painted with more colors and patterns. At the same time, the in and out pink ceramics are also very rare in market nowaday~ These in and out ceramics are owned by the wealthy Baba family. The Babas specially travel to Jing

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇的 " 山鸡娘惹日本盘"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏      如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解一对峇峇娘惹另一种娘惹瓷的秘密~ Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where we will learn about the secrets of a about  of Baba Nyonya and another type of Nyonya porcelain 据说山鸡娘惹日本瓷见怪不怪,因为市场上还是很多所以从我开始接触娘惹文化更慢慢变成收藏家。我见过无数次的山鸡娘惹日本瓷,可是我都没有想过要收藏。可能是设计和色彩不比山鸡娘惹瓷来的吸引和独特。同时山鸡娘惹日本瓷历史不比山鸡娘惹瓷来得久,其他收藏家会把山鸡娘惹日本瓷视为1941年日本娘惹瓷。 It is said that Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain is not surprising. There are still a lot of them in the market, so from the time I started to be exposed to Nyonya culture, I gradually became a collector. I have seen Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain countless times, but I have never thought of collecting it. Maybe the design and color are not as attractive and unique as Pheasant Nyonya porcelain. At the same time, Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain has a history no l