如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 小盖盅(Baby Kamcheng)

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Haha~ Sorry for being late to explore the Nyonya culture. This episode is more different compare to the previous episodes. How is it different? It’s will explain more detail to everyone and hope everyone to get learn about the secrets of Baba Nyonya Ceramics"

我相信大家一定懂峇峇娘惹的盖盅,同时也是人们叫Kamcheng(感情的意识)。什么是盖盅 ?这就是有盖加上类似盅的身体,所以才成为了人人皆知的娘惹盖盅(Kamcheng)。可是通常我们在市场或拍卖会上所看到的盖盅都是中或大的尺寸,通常中或大的盖盅(Kamcheng)是用来储存食物的用途。所以在以前富裕的峇峇家族里,会常看到的盖盅(Kamcheng) 都会出现在厨房里。除此之外,中和大的盖盅也是娘惹们出嫁的嫁装之一。
当时的年代是不会把厨房用具来摆设,如现代的人。I believe that everyone must understand the Baba Nyonya lid cup, and it is also called Kamcheng (awareness of emotion). What is a lid? This is the body with a lid and a similar cup, so it has become the well-known Nonya lid (Kamcheng). But usually will we see in markets or auctions are medium or large in size, and usually medium or large (Kamcheng) are used to store food. Therefore, in the formerly wealthy Baba family, the Kamcheng that you would often see appeared in the kitchen. In addition, Kamcheng is also one of the wedding dresses for Nyonyas. At that time, kitchen utensils were not displayed, dint like modern people only keep and disply.

所以小盖盅就不是放在厨房用的,为什么呢 ?以为太小了,放不下食物。所以小盖盅就改放在漂亮美丽的年轻的小娘惹的闺房里,为什么放在小娘惹的闺房里呢 ?因为小娘惹们都会有很多的首饰如:Kerongsang, hair Pin, brooch等等。所以你看看到没位小娘惹的闺房里都会几粒小盖盅。
So the small Kamcheng is not used in the kitchen, why? Because it was too small for food. So the small kamcheng was always placed in the beautiful young Nyonya's boudoir. Why was it in the little Nyonya's boudoir? Because the little Nyonyas will have a lot of jewelry such as: Kerongsang, hair Pin, brooch and so on. So you can see that there are a few small kamcheng in the boudoir of no little Nyonya.

In fact, the design of the small Kamcheng and the medium and large Kamcheng are similar. The only difference is the size of the large, medium and small. But in terms of price, a large Kamcheng is the most valuable, compared to medium or small.But the baby Kamcheng is quite rare in market nowaday.




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