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我要所说的是我的婆婆是位娘惹, 所以我身上的血也有流着峇峇娘惹的血统。事情发生在我念大学期间也是小娘惹当红时期,我就觉得奇怪为什么我的婆婆的衣裳都跟小娘惹演员里的娘惹们是穿一样的服装, 有Nyonya Kebaya(有花的),Sarong,银腰带 和发型是梳起绑一粒圆圆马来话叫Sanggui。当时就觉得奇怪自问“为什么婆婆的一身打扮和衣裳都跟电视里的娘惹们的衣服一样, 会不会婆婆也是娘惹?” 但当时我想问个清楚时,可惜我婆婆已经去世了已有4年。不过我没有放弃,因为大学毕业后回到家就决定了要了解婆婆的身世,我就追问我父母亲时,我的父亲就摆出一副严肃的脸说了一句“不是” 就没有下文了,当时我也不敢再问了。因为感觉上爸爸是不想再提起以前的事情或可能不想认我们知道上一代发生过的事情。可是妈妈无意中就跟我说过婆婆做的娘惹糕好好吃,同时我也有问问小姑,小姑就回答说“是,婆婆是娘惹” 因为40年前小姑带过婆婆去裁缝店量身订做衣服(Nyonya Kebaya),小姑也告诉我说“那些衣服是有缝花边的,就像电视里的娘惹们穿的衣服一样” 所以我更肯定婆婆是土生华人(娘惹)。
What I want to say is that my grandmother is a Nyonya, so my blood also has the blood of Baba Nyonya. It happened when I was in university and it was also the time when Little Nyonya was popular. I wondered why my grandmom dressup clothes were the same as the Nyonya actors in Little Nyonya. There are Nyonya Kebaya (with flowers), Sarong, The silver belt and hairstyle are combed and tied with a round Malay called Sanggui. At that time, I felt weird and asked myself, "Why the dress and clothes of the grandmom are the same as the clothes of the Nyonyas on TV, is it possible that grandmom also a Nyonya?" But when I wanted to ask for clarity, it was a pity that my grandmom had passed away are 4 years. But I didn’t give up, because after graduating from university, I decided to understand more my grandmom past story of life experience when I returned home. When I asked my parents, my father put on a serious face and said “not”, and there was no more. then I dare not ask anymore question. Because it feels like Dad doesn't want to mention the older story or may not want to recognize that we know what happened in the past generation. But my mother accidentally told me that the Nyonya cake made by grandmom was delicious. At the same time, I asked my aunty, and aunty replied, "Yes, grandmom is a Nyonya" because aunty took grandmom to a tailor shop make kebaya in 40 years ago. My aunty also told me, "Those clothes are laced, just like the clothes worn by Nyonyas on TV." So I am more certain that my grandmom is Peranakan (Nyonya).
Although my grandmom is a Nyonya, but I don't understand the living habits, customs and food of the Baba Nyonya family. Since we were young, our family has never lived with her grandmom, and we don't even know the little bit of grandmom and her past. I still remember when I was in primary school, I would only go back to my hometown to stay with my grandmom during school holidays. I only know that my grandmom is very healthy, but her eyes are not very good and can't see that it is the grandmom was is 80 years old. I still remember that my grandmom would do the same thing every day morning, getting up before dawn, washing her face, taking a shower, grooming and arranging her hair; the grandmom hairstyle will remain unchanged for ten years. So my mother said that the delicious Nyonya kuih were made before the grandmom started to lose eyesight. She only stopped making Nyonya kuih when she had a bad eyesight. I never had the chance to eat the Nyonya kuih made by my grandmom.
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