如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - Bakul Siah 的秘密

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哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹婚礼上个“礼篮”也叫“Bakul Siah 的秘密"
Haha~ Sorry for being late to explore the Nyonya culture, this episode is different from the previous episodes, where is it different? This is the gathering to let everyone know about the "gift basket" at the Baba Nyonya wedding, also called "The Secret of Bakul Siah"

Bakul Siah = 是拼以了马来语+福建语而成的结婚礼篮~为什么会常出现在峇峇娘惹家庭呢?这是因为峇峇家族都是来自福建人为多,而这是福建人结婚上必用来送礼的一种方式。也是结婚他当天男方家族要送礼品给女方,所以就用Bakul Siah为代替。可是这种传统方式如今在结婚婚礼上还是会看见~所以这是我们的传统,一定要一代传一代啊~ 

Bakul Siah = It is a wedding basket made of Malay + Hokkien~ Why do they often appear in Baba Nyonya families? This is because many of the Baba families come from Fujian, and this is a way that Fujian people must use to give gifts when they get married. It was also on the day of the wedding that his family wanted to give gifts to the woman, so he used Bakul Siah instead. But this traditional way is still seen in weddings and weddings~ So this is our tradition, it must be passed on from generation to generation~

Bakul Siah也有分为便宜和高贵的制造,如何分辨呢?那就是要看Bakul Siah的手工和画工,如普通的就不会采用精细的画工。但高贵的Bakul Siah就不同了,会采用精细的画工+采用金漆来画上漂亮的图案,加上有些会采用好诗词增加好意头。同时在Bakul Siah的手把上会加上美丽的吊钩,这吊钩是干嘛的?这是用来当结婚当天男方家族要送礼品给女方时是提这来的,所以以前的Bakul Siah都是一对的。

Bakul Siah is also divided into cheap and noble manufacturing, how to distinguish it? It depends on Bakul Siah's handwork and painting skills, as ordinary people will not use fine painting skills. But the noble Bakul Siah is different. It will use fine painters + gold paint to paint beautiful patterns, and some will use good poetry to add good intentions. At the same time, a beautiful hook will be added to the handle of Bakul Siah. What is this hook for? This is used to mention this when the man's family wants to give gifts to the woman on the wedding day, so the previous Bakul Siah was always a pair.
 Bakul Siah的用途~除了结婚上可用,其实以前的娘惹们都会用Bakul Siah当做现代的Plastic Bag使用。Bakul Siah的好处是有单层和双或三层试的篮,以前的娘惹们会把刚做好的糕点盛放在Bakul Siah里头,然后送去给丈夫或送到亲戚朋友家给他们一起享用。 同时也可以放一些茶具,Sarong kebaya和Kasut Manik用具来使用。
The purpose of Bakul Siah ~ Except for weddings, in fact, the previous Nyonyas would use Bakul Siah as a modern Plastic Bag. The advantage of Bakul Siah is that there are single-layer and double- or triple-layer baskets. In the past, Nyonyas would put the freshly made cakes in Bakul Siah and then send them to their husbands or to their relatives and friends’ homes. Enjoy. You can also put some tea sets, Sarong kebaya and Kasut Manik utensils to use.



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