如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇的 "Brown" 底茶杯

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Haha~ Sorry for being late to explore the Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the to learn up about the secrets of Baba Nyonya brown ceramics"


Recently, I have received very rare Nyonya porcelain. The color of the porcelain is very special, and it is not very common in the market. This is the Brown base nyonyaware. Why do I say it is rare? As i know the brown ceramics are original from the Baba family in Malacca. For example, we have turquoise green ceramics from the Penang Baba family, so most of the brown and dark Nyonya porcelains may come from the Malacca Baba family. (personal opinion)

同时这褐色的茶杯也是从一位老峇峇让出给我的,前一集的Olive green颜色的茶杯也同一位老峇峇让出。他告诉我,Olive Green + Brown的茶杯是他家族留下来的。同时他有告诉我说,Olive Green的陶瓷常看到在家,可是当去姑婆家时就会见到Brown的陶瓷。所以那时他们是用来是糖水用的茶杯。同时我告诉老峇峇,为什么不把这些既有代表性的峇峇家族留给子女呢 ?他跟我说,有把东西寄给孩子们,可是过了几个月孩子把东西寄回给老峇峇也告诉老峇峇他们不喜欢也不要。所以老峇峇只好出让,因为没有人珍惜。只好让出给些会珍惜娘惹瓷的人。

The Olive green teacup from the previous episode was also by same old Baba. He told me that the Olive Green + Brown teacup was left by his family. At the same time, he told "me that Olive Green's ceramics are often seen at home, but when I go to my aunt's house, I will see Brown's ceramics. So at that time they were used as tea cups for sugar water". Also I told the old Baba, why not leave these representative Baba families to your children? He told me that he had sent to the children, but after a few months the children sent it back to the old Baba and old Baba told me they didn't like it and didn't want it. So had to sell it, because no one appericate it. I had to give it away to those who are appericate those Nyonya porcelain.

每当我遇到老人家出让峇峇娘惹物件,我都会问他们(老人家)为什么不留给孩子们 ?他的回答就是一样,孩子不喜欢也不要收。我个人觉得现在的年轻人,都不懂得珍惜从前祖父+祖母+父母留下来的物件。
Whenever I encounter old people selling some Baba Nyonya items. I will ask them (the old people) why not leave it to the children? His answer is the same, child doesn’t like it and dont want to accpet. I personally think that nowadays young generation don't know how to cherish the things left over by their grandfather + grandmother + parents.




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