如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - “娘惹Mang Kung chao”

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。


这是我跟我妈妈学做的“Mang Kung Chao” 希望你们会喜欢~
This is the "Mang Kung Chao" I learned from my mother, I hope you will like it~

话说"Mang Kung Chao是来自峇峇娘惹家庭,同时这道菜肴是娘惹家庭里的必要菜肴之一。为什么这样说呢 ?这是因为每年过年过节家里长桌上都会有Mang KungChao这道菜肴。所以在峇峇娘惹家庭里,每位娘惹都会烹饪这道菜肴“Mang Kung Chao". 
"Mang Kung Chao is from the Baba Nyonya family, and this dish is one of the necessary dishes in the Nyonya family. Why do I say this? This is because Mang Kung Chao is a dish that will be served on the long table at home every Chinese New Year's. So in Baba Nyonya family, every Nyonya will cook this dish "Mang Kung Chao".

好~我来解释如何烹饪Mang Kung Chao的步骤。
1. Mang Kung(沙葛)- Turnip
2. 鱿鱼丝 - Dried shredded squid
3. 香菇 - Mushroom
4. 红萝卜 - Carrot 
5. 虾米 - Dried shrimp
6. 生菜 - Lettuce

做法 :
1. 先把鱿鱼丝 + 虾米洗后,去爆香。
    Cook Dried shredded squid + dried shrimp after wash.

2. 然后把沙葛+红萝卜也跟着去炒。炒到沙葛+红萝卜软了就放香菇一起炒香。
    Then fry the turnip + carrots as well. Stir-fry until are soft, then add the mushrooms and stir-fry.

3. 同时也要放些,糖,胡椒粉,耗油,酱青
    Need to put some sugar, paper powder, oyster souce and soya souce.

之后就成为美味好吃的佳肴Mang Kung Chao,同时加上Homemade sambal belacen + 生菜包来吃更加一流。



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