如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - “娘惹Lemah Nenas Udang”

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。


这道菜“Nanes Udang"是妈妈跟婆婆学,而我就跟妈妈学。 希望你们会喜欢~
The dish "Nanes Udang" my mother was learned from my grandmother, and I learned from my mother. Hope you like it~

话说"Nanes Udang”是来自峇峇娘惹家庭其中一道美食,同时这道菜肴是娘惹家庭里的必要菜肴之一。为什么这样说呢 ?这是因为每年过年过节家里长桌上都会有“Lemah Nenas Udang"这道菜肴。所以在峇峇娘惹家庭里,每位娘惹都会烹饪这道菜肴“Lemah Nenas Udang".
It is call "Nanes Udang" is one of the dishes from Peranakan family, and this dish is one of the necessary dishes in the Peranakan family. why would you said so ? This is because the dish "Nanes Udang" will be served on the long table at home every year during Chinese New Year or Festival. So in the Baba Nyonya family, every Nyonya will cook this dish "Lemah Nenas Udang". This dish is sweet and sour, it is a very appetizing and delicious Nyonya dish.

好~我来解释如何烹饪Mang Kung Chao的步骤。
1. 香茅 ~ Lemongrass 
2. 辣椒 ~ Chili
3. 小洋葱 ~ Scallion
4. 黄姜 ~ Turmeric
5. 南姜 ~ Galangal
6. 黄梨 ~ Pineapple
7. 鲜虾 ~ Prawn
8. 椰浆 ~ Coconut milk 

1. 首先把香茅,辣椒,小洋葱,黄姜,南姜,一起搅拌。然后拿去爆香。
    First, blend in the lemongrass, chilli, onion, turmeric, and galangal. Then take it to saute.

2. 之后加入黄梨一起炒,过后加入椰浆。
    Then add pineapple and fry together, then add coconut milk.

3. 最后加入鲜虾,煮到熟就可以开饭了。
    Lastly, add fresh prawn and cook until cooked.

之后就成为美味好吃的佳肴“Nanes Udang"同时加上Homemade sambal belacen 一起吃更加一流。


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