如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇的 " 山鸡娘惹日本盘"

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哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解一对峇峇娘惹另一种娘惹瓷的秘密~Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where we will learn about the secrets of a about  of Baba Nyonya and another type of Nyonya porcelain

据说山鸡娘惹日本瓷见怪不怪,因为市场上还是很多所以从我开始接触娘惹文化更慢慢变成收藏家。我见过无数次的山鸡娘惹日本瓷,可是我都没有想过要收藏。可能是设计和色彩不比山鸡娘惹瓷来的吸引和独特。同时山鸡娘惹日本瓷历史不比山鸡娘惹瓷来得久,其他收藏家会把山鸡娘惹日本瓷视为1941年日本娘惹瓷。It is said that Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain is not surprising. There are still a lot of them in the market, so from the time I started to be exposed to Nyonya culture, I gradually became a collector. I have seen Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain countless times, but I have never thought of collecting it. Maybe the design and color are not as attractive and unique as Pheasant Nyonya porcelain. At the same time, Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain has a history no longer than Pheasant Nyonya porcelain. Other collectors will regard Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain as 1941 Japanese Nyonya porcelain.

山鸡娘惹日本瓷和山鸡娘惹瓷不同是在以山鸡娘惹瓷有采用八宝吉祥物,可是山鸡娘惹日本瓷是没有采用八宝吉祥物而采用菊花+樱花。可是还是会跟山鸡娘惹瓷一样采用牡丹花,岩石。而两只山鸡是站在岩石上,可是山鸡娘惹瓷是会有一只站在岩石上另一只会飞着。同是山鸡娘惹日本瓷中间会有独特的设计,会画上一棵樱花树。The difference between Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain and Pheasant Nyonya porcelain is that Pheasant Nyonya porcelain uses the Eight Treasures mascot, but Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain does not use the Eight Treasures mascot but uses chrysanthemum + cherry blossom. However, peonies and rocks will still be used like Pheasant Nyonya porcelain. The two pheasants are standing on the rocks, but among the pheasants and Nyonya porcelain, one is standing on the rock and the other is flying. The same Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain will have a unique design in the middle, with a cherry blossom tree painted on it.

所以到了今天我无意中收藏到第一个山鸡娘惹日本瓷。我还是收集同款的大小盘碗。So today I accidentally collected the first Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain. I still collect large and small plates and bowls of the same style.


If you encounter or buy it by chance, you really need to cherish and protect its beauty.


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