大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。
哈哈哈!真的好谢谢你们浏览我的专栏。 真的感激不尽。好我的开始第二张文章吧!上一张文章提到我如何去探索婆婆的身分,到后来终于知道婆婆是娘惹。可惜的是我们家族没有再有峇峇娘惹的味道,这是因为我的公公是从中国广东飘洋过海来到南洋才开始认识到婆婆。婆婆是土生土长的娘惹穿起Nyonya Kebaya加上Sarong和整起的Sanggui发型, 生生把公公吸引住了。可是你们一定觉得娘惹家族是很富有和地位一定是嫁或娶都是峇峇家族术语说“竹门对竹门,木门对木门”。为什么会竹门对竹门,木门对木门?是因为以前峇峇家族都是做生意,所以他们都回把自己的女儿嫁给有生意来往的峇峇家族。
Hahaha! Thank you for viewing my blog again. I really appreciate it. Okay, let’s start my second article! The perivous article was mentioned how I explored the identity of my grandmom and finally I found out that my grandmom is Nyonya. It is a pity that our family no longer has the experience of Baba Nyonya. This is because my grandfather is came to Nanyang from Guangdong, China, before he came to know my grandmom. Grandmom is a native of Nyonya. Dress up Nyonya Kebaya, Sarong and a full Sanggul style, grandmom attracted grandfather. But you must think that the Nyonya family is very rich and the status must be married or married in the Baba family term "bamboo door to bamboo door, wooden door to wooden door". Why is the bamboo door facing the bamboo door, and the wooden door facing the wooden door? It is because the Baba family used to be in business, so they all married their daughter to the Baba family with business.
Become more colser relationship, you can benefit from the business. In fact, not all the Baba Nyonya families are as rich and powerful as you think. The Baba families in the 17th and 18th centuries were really rich and powerful. Why do I say they are rich? Because at that time, the Baba family running business started. Unfortunately, in the 19th century, the business of some Baba families changed, which caused some Nyonyas to make Nyonya cakes and buy them at the market. Maybe the grandmom is the Nyonya who sells Nyonya cakes, so I realized that the grandfather! (This is just a personal imagination, hahaha). Dad said that after the grandmon married to grandfather, then grandfather opened a restaurant. But the grandmom still makes Nyonya cakes and selling at restaurants.This is my grandparent part story.
may i know, why i want lie to myself ?