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如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - "粉色内外娘惹陶瓷"

  大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会大家了解峇峇娘惹内外粉色陶瓷的秘密" Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where everyone can learn about the secrets of in and out pink ceramics of the Baba Nyonya." 为什么会是 峇峇娘惹内外粉色陶瓷的秘密 ?正所谓的内外就是陶瓷里外都有上彩了更多的颜色和图案, 同时内外粉色陶瓷也是很稀有 ~ 这些内外陶瓷都是来自富有的 峇峇家族拥有。 峇峇们都特地的回到中国江西里的景德镇找了位师傅为峇峇家族打造自己的陶瓷。峇峇们的要求的陶瓷都是手工制造,员工们是一手一手的画上去和烧出来细腻的陶瓷。 同时峇峇们都很喜欢颜色 创辉,也要 有蝴蝶或凤凰,和牡丹花,在峇峇娘惹文化里凤凰是代表了和祥,牡丹代表富贵。峇峇娘惹们都很注重好意头。同时内外粉色陶瓷都是由四季花为主.  Why is it the secret of the in and out pink ceramics of the Baba Nyonya? The so-called in and out means that the inside and outside of the ceramics are painted with more colors and patterns. At the same time, the in and out pink ceramics are also very rare in market nowaday~ These in and out ceramics are owned by the wealthy Baba family. The Babas specially travel to Jing...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇的 " 山鸡娘惹日本盘"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏      如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解一对峇峇娘惹另一种娘惹瓷的秘密~ Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where we will learn about the secrets of a about  of Baba Nyonya and another type of Nyonya porcelain 据说山鸡娘惹日本瓷见怪不怪,因为市场上还是很多所以从我开始接触娘惹文化更慢慢变成收藏家。我见过无数次的山鸡娘惹日本瓷,可是我都没有想过要收藏。可能是设计和色彩不比山鸡娘惹瓷来的吸引和独特。同时山鸡娘惹日本瓷历史不比山鸡娘惹瓷来得久,其他收藏家会把山鸡娘惹日本瓷视为1941年日本娘惹瓷。 It is said that Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain is not surprising. There are still a lot of them in the market, so from the time I started to be exposed to Nyonya culture, I gradually became a collector. I have seen Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porcelain countless times, but I have never thought of collecting it. Maybe the design and color are not as attractive and unique as Pheasant Nyonya porcelain. At the same time, Pheasant Nyonya Japanese porc...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 老峇峇的 "一对娘惹花瓶"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏      如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解一对峇峇娘惹花瓶陶瓷的秘密" Haha~ Sorry for being late, how to explore Nyonya culture, this episode is different from the previous ones, what is the difference? This is the meeting to let you know the secrets of a pair of Baba Nyonya vase ceramics. 据说 峇峇娘惹的一对花瓶陶瓷的设计。是很不同,哪里的不同 ?来,我为你们讲解~ 峇峇娘惹一对花瓶陶瓷是带有,凤,牡丹花,色彩,一般都是开窗稀有的一些是没有开窗。 同时特别的是 峇峇娘惹一对花瓶陶瓷里的凤都是“飞凤”,站立凤和双凤是少之至少。能找到一对娘惹花瓶是不容易的,因为市场上都很少。一对花瓶的设计是很特别的点是在飞凤的方向,一个向左一个向右。所以才成双成对。 Baba Nyonya's ceramic design for a pair of vases. Is very different, what's the difference? Come, let me explain to you~ A pair of Baba Nyonya ceramic vases are with, phoenix, peony flowers, colorful, generally with windows, and some rare ones without windows. At the same time, it is special that the phoenixes in a pair of Baba Nyonya ceramic vases are all "flying phoenixes", standing phoenixes and double phoenixes are the least. It is not easy to find a pair of...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - “娘惹Asam Pedas Ikan Pari”

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 这是我跟我妈妈学做的“Asam Pedas Masak Ikan Pari” 希望你们会喜欢~ This is the "Asam Pedas Masak Ikan Pari" I learned from my mother, I hope you will like it~ 话说" Asam Pedas Ikan Pari" 是来自峇峇娘惹家庭,同时这道菜肴是娘惹家庭里的必要菜肴之一。为什么这样说呢 ?这是因为每年过年过节家里长桌上都会有Asam Pedas Ikan Pari这道菜肴。所以在峇峇娘惹家庭里,每位娘惹都会烹饪这道菜肴“Asam Pedai Ikan Pari". 我的记忆里阿嫲有煮过Asam Pedas Ikan Pari, 是酸甜辣的古早味道。自从阿嫲去世了,就没有几乎吃到阿嫲的Asam Pedas Ikan Pari。所以今天就跟妈妈一起煮Asam Pedas Ikan Pari. 味道还不错 酸甜辣都有,同时也接近阿嫲的古早味。 It is said that "Asam Pedas Ikan Pari" comes from the Baba Nyonya family, and this dish is one of the necessary dishes in the Nyonya family. Why do you say this way ? This is because the dish Asam Pedas Ikan Pari will be on the tok panjang at home every Chinese New Year. So in the Baba Nyonya family, every Nyonya will cook this dish "Asam Pedai Ikan Pari". In my memory, my grandma once cooked Asam Pedas Ikan Pari, which is the taste of sweet and sour. Since Grandma passed a...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 峇峇家族的 "白底凤+万边盘碗"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化 ,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹家里的"白底凤+万边盘碗 "。 Haha~ Sorry for being late, how to explore Nyonya culture, this episode is different from the previous episodes, what is the difference? It is this meeting to let everyone know about the "white-bottomed phoenix + Key Fret" in Baba Nyonya's house. 据说娘惹瓷有各种不同家族和不同年代的设计,如大家在市场所看见的粉彩娘惹瓷。另一种说法就是色底娘惹瓷。同时就少见的色底娘惹瓷是黄色,粉色,褐色,橄榄绿。市场常见的都是土耳其绿较多。再说比起白底娘惹瓷会比较容易看到在市场。 It is said that Nyonya porcelain has various designs of different families and different ages, such as the pastel Nyonya porcelain that you can see in the market. Another way of saying it is the color base Nyonya porcelain. At the same time, the rare color base Nyonya porcelain is yellow, pink, brown, olive green. The market is more common is Türkiye green. Besides, it is easier to see in the market than Nyonya porcelain with white base. 据说白底娘惹瓷,以前的白底娘惹瓷是属于比较便宜的瓷比起色底娘惹瓷。这是因为白底娘惹瓷比较不多颜色,同时白底娘惹瓷在峇峇家里是常用的餐具。白...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 峇峇家族的 "白底凤+鹤大盘"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化 ,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹家里的"白底凤+鹤大盘 "。 Haha~ Sorry for being late, how to explore Nyonya culture, what is the difference between this episode and the previous ones, what is the difference? It was this meeting that let everyone know about the "white base Phoenix in Tsundere Nyonya's family". 据说峇峇娘惹盘碗的设计几乎都是都是吉祥八宝+站凤/飞凤+牡丹花为主,同时这些设计也算是在市场上还可以找到或见到。尤其是白底+粉色边和白底+白色边都为有容易看到或找到。可是有一种设计里会有飞风+吉祥鹤+牡丹花出现在同一个盘,可以说难得一件好东西。 It is said that the designs of Baba Nyonya ware are almost all auspicious eight treasures + standing phoenix/flying phoenix + peony flower, and these designs can be found or seen in the market. Especially the white base + pink edge and white base + white edge are easy to see or find in market nowadays. But there is a design in which Flying phoenix + auspicious crane + peony appear on the same plate, which can be said to be a rare item. 可说凤凰是中国第二大吉祥物,第一大是龙所以凤凰成为第二大。然后话说鹤呢 ?鹤在古代,鹤被看成一种高尚的飞 ...

`如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 峇峇家族的 "橄榄绿茶壶+茶杯"

  大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化 ,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹家里的"橄榄绿茶壶+茶杯 "。 Haha~ Sorry for being late, how to explore Nyonya culture, this episode is different from the previous episodes, what is the difference? It is this meeting to let everyone know about the "olive green teapot + teacup" in Baba Nyonya's home. 据说峇峇娘惹家里一定会有一套一套不同的餐具,同时也不会忘记茶壶和茶杯。因为当bibik们在玩cheki时都会要佣人倒茶边玩变喝茶。除之此外茶壶也有其它用途,就是当峇峇娘惹结婚时用来敬茶。 什么喜庆峇峇家族会用色底的餐具 ? 色底娘惹瓷在峇峇娘惹家族都会用在过年过节才会拿出来用的餐具如:老峇峇娘惹办寿宴,农历新年,结婚和等等。因为要添加更加多的彩色和特别。 这是因为要显示出峇峇家族的富贵,拥有不同色底的餐具,是代表家族的地位和富裕。 It is said that there must be a set of different tableware in Baba Nyonya's home, and the teapot and teacup will not be forgotten at the same time. Because when bibiks are playing cheki, they will ask servants to pour tea while playing. In addition info, teapots also have other uses, that is, they are used to serve tea when Baba and Nyonya get married. What kind of festive Baba family will use color-ba...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 农历十五“元宵节/Chap Goh Mei"

 大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 ~祝大家新年快乐,恭喜发财~ 哈哈哈~今天是元宵节,同时也是农历正月十五也是农历新年的尾声了。话说闹元宵是如何的闹呢?让我一一的为你们解释吧~ ~Happy New Year everyone, Gong Xi Fa Cai~ Hahaha~ Today is the Chap God Mei Festival, which is also the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and the end of the Chinese New Year. By the way, what is the trouble with the Chap Goh Mei Festival? Let me explain to you one by one ~          元宵节抛柑来源是由峇峇娘惹祖籍福建的未婚娘惹们开始“抛好柑,嫁好鞥”。如今已演变成单身男女的情人节,他们会把自己的电话号码写在柑上然后就抛出 去~ ~ The origin of throwing Gam during the Chap Goh Mei Festival is that unmarried Nyonya who are originally from Fujian, Baba and Nyonya, began to "throw good gam and marry well". Now it has become a Valentine's Day for single men and women, they will write their phone numbers on oranges and throw them out~ ~           同时也希望捞到一段好姻缘~ 除了抛柑之外,还有花灯观赏和猜灯谜。除了华人的抛柑仪式,在峇峇娘惹Chap Goh Mei也是年轻的娘惹们可是走出家里门槛到海边或河边去抛柑。在17和18世纪,娘惹们是一年里365天都不可以踏出大门一步。因为娘惹要打理家务和烹饪,所以娘惹们的青春都献给了家务和烹饪~ 到了...

如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - 峇峇家族的 "绿松石小盘+杯子"

  大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏      如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会跟大家了解峇峇娘惹家里的"绿松石小盘+杯子 "。 Haha~ Sorry for being late, how to explore Nyonya culture, this episode is different from the previous episodes, what's the difference? This is the meeting to let you know about the " Turquoise Green Small Plates + Cups" in the Baba Nyonya family . 据说峇峇娘惹家里一定会有一套一套不同的餐具如: 绿松石 餐具 的是平时用来当家里有喜庆用餐时用,什么喜庆峇峇家族会用色底的餐具 ? 色底娘惹瓷在峇峇娘惹家族都会用在过年过节才会拿出来用的餐具如:老峇峇娘惹办寿宴,农历新年,结婚和等等。因为要添加更加多的彩色和特别。 这是因为要显示出峇峇家族的富贵,拥有不同色底的餐具,是代表家族的地位和富裕。 It is said that there must be a set of different tableware in the Baba Nyonya family. For example, the turquoise tableware is usually used for festive meals at home. What festive Baba family will use color-based tableware? Color base Nyonya porcelain is used in the Baba Nyonya family for tableware that will only be used during the Chinese New Year, such as: the old Baba Nyonya holds birthday banquets, Chinese New Year, weddings and so on...