如何探索峇峇娘惹文化 - "粉色内外娘惹陶瓷"
大家好, 谢谢大家浏览我的专栏。 如有什么意见,可以留下意见。我会在短期里回复你。 哈哈~对不起迟来的如何探索娘惹文化,这一集跟上几集有所不同,哪里不同呢?就是这集会大家了解峇峇娘惹内外粉色陶瓷的秘密" Haha~ Sorry for the belated introduction of how to explore Nyonya culture. This episode is different from the previous episodes. How is it different? This is the episode where everyone can learn about the secrets of in and out pink ceramics of the Baba Nyonya." 为什么会是 峇峇娘惹内外粉色陶瓷的秘密 ?正所谓的内外就是陶瓷里外都有上彩了更多的颜色和图案, 同时内外粉色陶瓷也是很稀有 ~ 这些内外陶瓷都是来自富有的 峇峇家族拥有。 峇峇们都特地的回到中国江西里的景德镇找了位师傅为峇峇家族打造自己的陶瓷。峇峇们的要求的陶瓷都是手工制造,员工们是一手一手的画上去和烧出来细腻的陶瓷。 同时峇峇们都很喜欢颜色 创辉,也要 有蝴蝶或凤凰,和牡丹花,在峇峇娘惹文化里凤凰是代表了和祥,牡丹代表富贵。峇峇娘惹们都很注重好意头。同时内外粉色陶瓷都是由四季花为主. Why is it the secret of the in and out pink ceramics of the Baba Nyonya? The so-called in and out means that the inside and outside of the ceramics are painted with more colors and patterns. At the same time, the in and out pink ceramics are also very rare in market nowaday~ These in and out ceramics are owned by the wealthy Baba family. The Babas specially travel to Jing...